What Lights You Up?

This question was asked the other day during a workshop on reflection. The exercise was specific to art and asked us to look back at the pieces we've created over the year, remembering when we felt most excited; alive. Honestly, that feeling is almost a norm when I spend any time in the studio, however, it was these pieces that I remember having that feeling of "being in it". 


There is something magical about watercolor. The way it flows, and changes shape as it spreads across and into the tooth of the paper. During the creation of these pieces, I was interested in earth tones and using terra cotta rock directly or the shavings. I was also experimenting with the effect of salt during different stages of drying, as well as, as large vs small salt crystals. I found myself staring at them as you do when looking up into the sky--watching clouds shift gradually, identifying different shapes as they move. It's beautiful, calming, meditative.